Raising Sexually Responsible Boys

Raising Sexually Responsible Boys

It’s been a newsworthy year for male sexuality. Donald Trump’s claims that he can grab women by their genitals are most recent, but we’ve also had rape allegations against a variety of performers, from Bill Cosby to Nat Turner. The summer included Brock Turner raping...

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Teen Fathers: A Typical Day

Teen Fathers: A Typical Day

Unload the truck, unload the truck. Day after day after day, truck after truck after truck. 40 hours a week. Medical benefits? Yeah, right. But you’ve been here for 6 months now, so you’ve at least got a few sick and vacation days. Or maybe it’s some other inglorious...

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Teen Fathers: Trying and Barely Making It

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Now you’re a cliché, a stereotype. The 19 year old dad who isn’t there for his baby girl. The guy who is only as helpful as his last paycheck. It’s not what you wanted for your life, but it’s exactly where you are. At least you’ve...

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Shia LaBeouf Says He Was Raped. Will Anyone Listen?

Shia LaBeouf Says He Was Raped. Will Anyone Listen?

This we know for sure: actor Shia LaBeouf completed a piece of performance art at a Los Angeles gallery for five days in February 2014. Audience members became participants. He told audience members they could each sit alone with him in a private room; he would remain...

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How to Buy a Gift for the Man in Your Life

How to Buy a Gift for the Man in Your Life

It’s gift-giving time again. If you’re buying a gift for your dad, that special man in your life, or even a guy who’s a friend (but not that kind of friend), you may find yourself struggling to figure out what to get him, especially at the last minute. Considering a...

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The Power of Men’s Love

The Power of Men’s Love

This year we found out Michael Sam is gay. Big deal. As Dallas sportscaster Dale Hansen pointed out, if the NFL and its product isn’t harmed by having men who abuse their female partners, men who use illegal drugs, and men who are accused of murder—and that’s just the...

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Masculinity in the Hearst Press

Working with Historian Gwen Kay (SUNY Oswego) and Historian of Psychology Ben Harris (UNH), we looked at the way that masculinity was presented in Hearst Press’ Sunday newspaper insert immediately after WWI and just before WWII. Why Hearst? Estimates put readership of...

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Why do boys date and have sex?

To some people, they seem like obvious questions: Why do boys date?  Why do boys have sex? And like any human behavior, there’s no single answer.Who? A group of 106 boys in 10th grade were asked those questions, and they were given a list of about...

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During adolescence, most youth experience their first kiss, first relationship, and first sex (intercourse).  Instead of talking about adolescent sexuality as inherently risky, I tend to think about it as typical or “normative.”  After all, if most...

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Living the image

The goal of this study was to look at connections between several “masculinities” or “social identities”, such as “jock,” “tough,” and “nerd”, and how they connect to various components of masculinity, such as homophobia, sexism, competitiveness, etc.  (Nerds may be...

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